Vishaka & Energized Enthusiasm
Post from my instagram @claire.nakti in September of 2017 Entering Vishaka Moon 🌙⛩🌺today, and wanted to talk about the fiery passions...
The Occult Initiation through Nakshatras
Although it is not well understood, each Nakshatra represents a particular spiritual stage and level of initiation. Initiation is...
Lilith & Dhanishta Nakshatra
From my instagram @claire.nakti in 2017: 👄Moon is in Dhanishta currently, a sign which connects to the perfection/siddhi relating to...
Jyestha & Poverty
Moon in Jyestha 🦉today, a star of elders and power. Jyestha is associated with Alakshmi, poverty, and lack of abundance. The magical...
A More Clear Explanation of the Female Path
A Post from August 2017 on my instagram, @claire.nakti This post from @ines.heals made me so happy: ... “Big thanks to Claire Nakti for...
"To be devoured, is the equivalent of initiation."
All would-be adepts must be devoured by the serpent, which swallows each chakra as they climb the sacred mountain of the spinal column....
The Curse of Intellectualism for the Occultist
The evocation of spirits is something that often holds a strong fascination for the newcomer to Occultism, so much so that people seem to...
Svecchacharya: Do What You Will
In our present day and age, where the world and all existing political social and religious structures etc. are seemingly coming apart at...
On Succubi
When a man views an erotic image, that image-- like any other thing he observes-- is recorded upon his auric shell forever. We...
Women Worshipping Children?
Every individual has within them a kind of autopilot or safety mechanism that ensures that no matter what happens to them, they are able...
Rohini & Sexual Freedom
From my instagram @claire.nakti in 2017 Moon is in Rohini, a sign which is great for sex and sexual enjoyment. Sex in whatever form is a...